Isabella F.
- Colorado
What does America mean to you?
By Isabella F.
Parker, Colorado
Parker, Colorado is a pretty, bigger town. In winter the families meet to look at beautiful and fascinating Christmas decorations. You might see Rabbits jumping; winds blowing, and slow melting. The serious people work with low voices in the office. The happy people smile at everyone, everyday. It is November 2, 2023.
I feel fearful. I cry in the living room of my house in Parker when I see my cousin again. After that we make Venezuelan food. One week later I start going to school. That month we celebrated Christmas together. As a result, I didnt feel fearful anymore. I was comfortable.
And then, my cousin told me that I need to change my negative way of thinking. I understood that I had to change myself. And my other cousin told me I didnt have to change all of me. And we hug and tell them that I love them. I felt shocked. I could make a change in my life thanks to intimate talk. Can you imagine? If I hadn’t talked to my cousins.
To me, America means Incredible places and people, Opportunity to change yourself and your family and Difficult but at the same time Optimistic thoughts.
The people and places Incredible because they try to help you if you need it. Most people are kind and nice, the places are amazings; you can find new things. It is Opportunity to change yourself and your family because if you dont have a good relationship with them, maybe you can connect more and try to change the things that you are doing wrong. It is Difficult but at the same time Optimistic because if you are from another country, sometimes you feel sad or bad because you miss your country, your friends and a part of your family, but when you are here you can see a lot of new things, learn a different language, you can do things you couldnt before. In America, if you want a change you can do it. While every beginning is hard, maybe you will have problems on the way, it’s not impossible. You have to be optimistic because even if there are adversities you always have to trust in yourself that you can do it. I think we all have our opinion about what America means to us, but in my case America meant many opportunities and great changes and I can only say thank you to America for this opportunity.