
Decorative Ribbons

America250 and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have solidified plans to honor veterans and active duty service members via a special ‘Salute250’ tribute. Starting September 23, 2021, and running through July 2, 2026, a weekly post at will highlight the life and contributions of a select military hero. In total, the five-year effort will showcase 250 profiles of Medal of Honor recipients, trailblazers, and changemakers who have served or are currently in the U.S. military.

The project is just one way the VA will meet the Congressional semiquincentennial legislation calling for “federal agencies to integrate the celebration of the semiquincentennial into the regular activities and execution of the purpose of the agencies.” 

Adam Stump, VA public affairs specialist, said “Our team are either veterans or people who have worked with veterans for years, so we take this responsibility personally. There are so many brave people who came before us, so it’s an honor to highlight what our military veterans have done for our nation.”

Stump added, “Telling veteran stories is an incredible honor, one we’re grateful to share with the American people in partnership with America250.” 

[The image accompanying this story is courtesy of the VA and features Ernest Childers, “A Native American from Oklahoma, who received a Medal of Honor for charging up a hill in Italy, killing enemy snipers, and capturing an enemy mortar observer.”]
