
America250 Staff

The America250 team is comprised from staff at the U.S. Semiquincentennial Commission (USSC) and, Inc. (A250). The America250 staff is a dynamic team of passionate individuals who bring diverse expertise and a shared commitment to honoring our nation's history and shaping its future.

Brenda Ables
Brenda Ables

Brenda Ables

Vice President of Human Resources

Jennifer Condon

Jennifer Condon

Interim Executive Director of the USSC and Executive Vice President of A250

Julie Herr

Julie Herr

Director of the Office of the Executive Director and Chair

Trace Livengood

Trace Livengood

Director of Operations & Internal Communications

Ed Perez

Ed Perez

Director of State & Local Partnerships

Rich Subbio

Rich Subbio

Director of Government Affairs
