
Decorative Ribbons

On September 17, 1787, members of the Constitutional Convention signed the final draft of the U.S. Constitution. For almost 250 years, the Constitution has been the most important document in American history and government. This sacred document established our national government, fundamental laws, and has protected and guaranteed certain basic rights to citizens of the United States.

Each year, Americans observe Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. The commemoration of Constitution Week runs annually from September 17 to September 23. Constitution Day was officially enacted on August 2, 1956 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower from a congressional resolution petitioned by the Daughters of the American Revolution. George W. Bush officially declared the inception of Constitution Week in September 2002.

During this time, Americans are encouraged to reflect on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be a U.S. citizen. A variety of organizations dedicate programs to observing Constitution Week. Below are some activities from our friends and partners:

  • Library of Congress: The Library of Congress’ (LoC), Teaching With The Library program provides lesson plans and resources for teachers and maintains some specific channels to engage directly with educators nationwide. The LoC also has a variety of Constitution Day resources for teachers.
  • U.S. Department of Education: The Department of Education has an extensive catalog of Constitution Day resources at every grade level.
  • Bill of Rights Institute: The Bill of Rights Institute (BRI) provides educational resources and programs on the Constitution to a network of 72,000 K-12 teachers. For more information, see
  • Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation has various civics education resources and in-person programs and will host its annual Constitution Day event, “To Support and Defend,” on the lawn in front of the Art Museums.
  • The Roosevelt Institute: The Roosevelt Institute, which is partnered with the Roosevelt Presidential Library, has an event on Constitution Day focused on the Supreme Court during Roosevelt’s presidency and the Constitutional principles they upheld. For more information, see  
  • Constituting America: The Constituting America organization is dedicated to educating Americans about the U.S. Constitution and the rights and liberties it protects for all of us. They provide resources and materials for students and teachers interested in learning more about the Constitution, including a day-long live, interactive Constitution Day program for schools, held Friday, September 15, 10am – 3:30pm eastern. America 250 Chair Rosie Rios will join the program at 2:30pm eastern for “How To Have A Civil Civic Conversation.” Click here for more information and to sign up:
