
Decorative Ribbons

Meet the Co-Chairs: Parks, Preservation, and Public Spaces Advisory Council

The Parks, Preservation, and Public Spaces Advisory Council is co-chaired by Jim Campi and Alan Spears. Campi currently serves as the chief policy and communications officer for the American Battlefield Trust. Spears is the senior director of cultural resources at the National Parks Conservation Association. In this Q&A, Campi and Spears share their aspirations for the council charged with preserving and promoting the legacy of our constructed and natural environments.

A250: What is your vision for the advisory council?
Answer: Our vision is that we develop and maintain a cohesive, respectful relationship that’s based on the values, mission, and vision of the America250 Foundation. We want to unleash the creative energy of the parks and preservation community, inspire volunteers and park partners, encourage inclusive story-telling, and help America250 prepare for a commemoration just five short years away.

A250: How will you know that you’ve accomplished your goals?
Answer: When we see a 250th anniversary that goes well beyond reenactors in powdered wigs portraying the Founding Fathers. When we see a 250th anniversary that both celebrates the high points and tackles the issues that challenged our ancestors then as much as they still challenge us today. When we see a 250th anniversary that has been truly developed by and for the people. If we do it right, the influence of America250 will far outlive the commemoration in 2026.
